Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mmmm Jelly

LOVE these photos of Tay. Even though I took them about a year ago I still love to look at them. I had just taken a heap of photos of her, and was about to pack the camera away. She looked sooo gorgeous eating her jelly that I thought I'd snap a few more shots. I like how in the first shot she was totally unaware that I took it, then she spots me, and then screws her nose up at me. I'm sure she was thinking, 'not again'.

She's not safe anywhere when the cameras out!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

S.E. Cross Country

Tyson was selected to run in the South East Cross Country this year. He was excited about going, but more happy about getting out of a whole day of school. As you can see by the photo there was a lot of eager boys lined up to race. It's not the best photo but I was late getting there and had to quickly snap a shot. He had to run 1300m, which Tys said wasn't that far at all. I would have been out of breath before I even got out the first gate. After a lot of pushing and shoving they were off. Most of the boys seemed to run that distance with ease. Tyson came about mid-field. Not sure of his exact position yet, but will let you know when I find out. We think he did a fantastic job, considering there were at least 50 maybe even 60 under 9 boys running. Apart from the fact that a heavy down pour came just as the race started, Tys had a great day.

Nothing that a nice warm shower and a hot Milo couldn't fix. And getting to hang out with Dad for the rest of the afternoon.

Lets see if I can add a photo

Took this photo of the kids the other day. I was surprised to see the kids actually getting along for once. They always seem to be niggling at each other lately, so just had to grab the camera and snap this one. Well it wasn't just one. Try about twenty, thats just while they were laying there. They do get along most of the time but the arguing does get a bit much sometimes. This reminds me that they do have lots of good days.

Well, now that I know I can add a photo to this blog, I think I'm well and truly ready for the world of blogging. All I need now is some spare time in my life and I should be fine.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I finally have a BLOG

This is going to be a surprise for everyone. After me saying for a long time now that I must start my own blog. I have finally got around to doing it. Lets just hope that I keep this thing up.